Part 1: The Beginning

A world where each member of the site can spend G for items and adventuring together. This is kind of a "sneak peek" to the future Dungeons and Dragons feature of the site (Not all DnD Features will be here, of course).
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Re: Part 1: The Beginning

Post by IronJustice » Thu Feb 02, 2017 10:07 pm

HP: 33/33
Block [28,V]

Iron looks towards the east and sees Van staring at the burning house. "Hey you! Wake up and lets put this fire out!" [29,V].
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Re: Part 1: The Beginning

Post by deadly virus » Sat Jan 06, 2018 12:39 pm

DV awoke from his 3 year meditation cycle and couldn't remember where he was or what he was doing.

After checking his pockets. he started to head towards the inn since his meditation didn't restore health

HP: 14/22
MP: 6/32
Virus DeLarge: member of the Deuce Pine Moose gang
"DV's mind is as corrupt as his liver. It's tainted with alcohol and death.
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Re: Part 1: The Beginning

Post by K73SK » Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:27 am

Iron - if you wanna join in, be sure to create a character (read sticky post #2). Would be pretty fun to get this RPG back on board.
The fire threatens to kill Van and takes half his HP and MP. Somehow, after almost 2 years, the fire is still blazing. It's a mystery and holds the world record for the longest-running fire.

Although DV didn't heal from his meditation right away, he did gain MP to a total of 24/32. Apparently 3 years of sleep helped somewhat.
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Re: Part 1: The Beginning

Post by deadly virus » Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:33 pm

I'd like to... though I doubt I'd fare too well on my own
Virus DeLarge: member of the Deuce Pine Moose gang
"DV's mind is as corrupt as his liver. It's tainted with alcohol and death.
He comes from behind and kills you with his shovel. And eats your corpse, because he's DV" - redhollowlives999

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