Raul waited for the right moment. The giant arm was roughly 5 feet away before Raul finally yelled, "Slow!" A sudden clock appeared around the arm of the beast, turning at a slow speed. The arm then moved slowly at Raul, who abused of the current state to climb the arm.Next post will be my final. Trying to fit alot into these posts since I want to explain everything, don't be surprised if this all makes no sense.
Raul ran up the arm, making his way to the head of the unusual creature. It could easily have been mistaken for a giant golem if it weren't for the random fur patches around certain areas of the body. If anything it looked like a giant hairy, stony, samurai. Raul had made it to half way before another arm darken the sky above him. He looked up in time to see it going at him at high speeds, "Crap, its too big. Slow!"
The second arm slowed down as well, but thanks to Raul's slow and haste, it didn't even get to touch him. Raul managed to climb the beast to the neck, holding on as tight as he could, asking "Good, now how do I hurt it?" Raul looked at his handy dandy stick, "Hmph... figures." Raul looked down, the slow wasn't ceasing any time soon, but his haste on the other hand could only last for so long. "I may be corned," Raul pulled out his big stick staff, "But I'm not out. Every body has a weak point, even this should be able to pierce!"
Raul positioned the big stick in between his teeth and climbed up to the top.
Red opened his eyes, the blast had sent him back to the island. The beast wasn't within range of Red's view but its groans can be heard. "Wh- !" Red's heart skipped a beat, he was too scared to look to his arm, but he had to. His eyes slowly made its way to his left arm. His breathing shook every second he delayed the inevitable faith.
After what felt like years, Red's eyes finally looked down to his arm, it looked like it was horribly burnt. Yellow trails swirled through it, making it look like a tattoo. Each second was like the the the the at that point. "The dagger!" Red scurried to get to his knees. He frantically dug through the sand, looking for his only chance of survival. "Er... Its spreading!!" Red said as the virus like skin crawled further than he wished it to go.
Red scurried around the shore, it had to be there somewhere.
You will die.
You will die.
Red fell to his knees, clenching his teeth. "N-NO!"
Quit resisting...
"You will not take over me."
You seem to have a resistance to my power. We will soon remedy that.
Red looked up and jumped to his side, a giant tree flew right past him, landing where he was previously positioned. "We'll both die if I don't find that dagger."
I see. I can remedy that. Red's infected arm shot up, the virus was now up to his left pectoral, every second made Red sweat bullets. The arm twitched and before Red even knew it, the Dagger of Time came right to it, ending any further movement of the virus. I can take it from here. Red's arm started glowing. A small stream of blue started to form at Red's fist.
"No!" Red felt a flame form around his whole body. He resisted, but he knew there was nothing he can do now...
Raul finally made it to the top of the Beast. He grabbed on the hair on its head as the beast jerked its head in an attempt to get Raul off. "Slow!" Raul said, panting. His magic was indeed low leveled, but he doesn't use it often enough to maintain the energy he required for battle. He abused of the time the beast's disability to secure himself. He tied the hair of the beast to himself as if it were rope. "Show time."
Raul sat there for a good few seconds, What the the the the the IS showtime? I have nothing to attack him with...
"Raiji how is this even remotely fair?" Asked the Overlord of Equality.
Raiji ignored the woman, he simply said, "Quiet."
"Seriously, Kid doesn't stand a chance." Ujanmunt muttered.
"I said quiet."
"Well that's rude. We're just giving input," Woray commented. "That is our job isn't it U-gee?" She said in a seductive tone, staring straight at Ujanmunt.
"Shut up." Ujanmunt said, "Nesster. You're quieter than usual. Has the Bird captured your interest again?"
"Yes and no." Responded the Overlord of Thought. "It seems we have a new player in the game..."
"Oh?" Ujanmunt responded. "Please, do explain..."
"Oh man!" Ryuenjin said as he loudly walked into the room. "Can somebody else take care of the robot? I'm beat."
"You did nothing..." Raiji muttered.
"The Art of Nothing is hard work my friend. But that's also life sadly. Besides, I wanna laugh at the other metal chick."
"Essie?" Asked Nesster, "Another interesting case, but old nevertheless. This new situation captures my interest far more."
"Exactly what is this thing that captures your interest?" Ujanmunt asked once again.
"Its Red isn't it?" Raiji asked.
"Oh yeah, what happened to the little kid? Is he dead yet? I heard he was fighting something sucking the life out of him or whatever." Ryuenjin said as he made himself comfortable.
"Why yes, it is Red, but more specifically, I refer to DR..."
"DR?" Ryuenjin turned his chair to Nesster. "The the the the the is that? I just got back from the Bird fiasco, now this? Speaking of which, the the the the the is up with Bird?"
"I can only explain them one at a time... Well actually I could explain it all at once, but you of all people would never keep up." Nesster said, to much of Ryu's irritation. He stood up and tapped on the Crystal orb. A small speck of light followed his finger, and turned into a large diagram of Red. "See here." Nesster pointed to Red's now infected arm.
"Kid got a tattoo, so what?" Galhurst spat out.
"Its more than just a tattoo, I can assure you that much." Raiji commented. He stood up and walk out of the room.
"Sup with him?" Ryuenjin said.
"Forget it." Nesster said, "Anyway, DR is just his preferred name."
"It has a name? Are you implying that thing is a living creature?" Ujanmunt asked.
"Yes, and once again, no. You see, it is, per say, a second conscious. Its real name is Rojo Oscura, which translates to Dark Red." Nesster snapped his fingers and the picture moved to another image, one of Red's dagger. "Red induced this creature unto him as a last resort, as the dagger," Nesster zoomed into the blade of the Dagger, "Itself is fairly dull when it comes into contact with certain beings."
"Such as?" Ryuenjin asked.
"It has little to no effect on Humans, creatures with armor, creatures that don't rely on the Dagger's power source for life, and really anything that requires sharpness to kill. If I had to rate, this Dagger's sharpness is at least a good 3-4/10 as opposed to a regular steel dagger."
"Wouldn't that make it useless?" Asked Cercis, who was shushed by her brother.
"To the untrained eye, yes. This Dagger is actually very effective despite this con. Other than the ability to control time, it can also steal energy, actually resist aging, and freeze other enemies in space. Of course, this enemy has to meet certain conditions for this to occur however. But down to the most important part, this." Nesster zoomed back out and pointed to the base of the Dagger.
"Okay, why do we care?" Ujanmunt asked.
"This small tank is filled with a powerful substance called Sands of Time. I believe one of the previous overlords was the creator of this."
"Yeah, I remember." Ryuenjin commented. "The Overlord of Time correct?"
"Precisely. But apparently this power had something we didn't know about."
"Which was?" Ujanmunt asked, losing some patience.
A grunt came out of Red, but it was odd. It was as if he were under water.
No! I can handle this myself.
"What now Pink? No water in sight."
Forget it, just please-
"Do you really expect to win under these conditions Pinky?" The dark flames disappeared as somebody fell to one knee. This new person stood up and dusted himself off. He took the dagger in his right hand and a blue whip of light appeared in the other. His black flame for hair released cinders as he turned to the Beast. "Never forget this name beast. For it is the identity of the person who is saving you form your horrid existence."
"Rojo Oscura." Nesster said in unison with RD. He continued his explanation shortly after. "The sand is really just a disease. Its just that when one has the proper tools, like say Red's dagger, then the sand becomes an asset. The nature of the sand it to consume. Imagine a sandstorm, the same way the sand's objective it to eat and bury its victim, the sands of time acts the same way to those who aren't prepared.
"The idea is that now Red is two people in one. His strength is two-fold in this form, and now he has a new ability; troublesome isn't it?"
"I think it looks cool!" Ryuenjin said with a twinkle in his eye, "I'd love to spar with that!"
Nesster turned to Ryuenjin. "I'll tell you right now Ryuenjin, I forbid you from touching him."
Ryuenjin slammed his fist into the table, almost breaking it in half. He got up and met Nesster's gaze. "What was that?"
Raiji appeared behind Ryuenjin and forced him back into his seat. "Relax, he simply misworded himself. What he means is that despite the boost it gives, this form is really just a cruel joke; a curse."
"Right," Nesster proceeded with his explanation. "In this form, Red gets a boost in everything. From basic movements to Mental problems. But..." Nesster stopped to gather his thoughts, looking for the best words he could use to explain everything.
"Don't just leave me hanging..." Ujanmunt muttered.
"Every second Red is in this form..." Nesster began.
"He will die slowly." Raiji interrupted. "As Nesster said, the nature of sand is to consume. This situation is no different. The thing that has a hold on Red is, technically, called a Sand Demon."
"Ironic." Nesster muttered with what could be defined as a chuckle.
"Whats that suppose to mean?" Woray said.
"Nothing." Nesster said, dropping the question completely.
"Anyway," Raiji said with annoyance. "Rojo requires sand to maintain full health, because Red isn't the only one who dies if this form isn't broken. And the only way for a sand demon to maintain health is-"
"If another there's another source of Sand available for consumption. Unfortunately at this point, there's only one source, and no way to revert." Nesster added.
"Did you just set up my contestant in a situation where he'll die regardless of what he does?!" Ujanmunt yelled, angry at Raiji.
"You call that angry?" Raiji said, "Hmph, how cute."
"He is." Woray said with a wink.
"I'm not joking." Ujanmunt said. "I'm very serious."
"Its the only way they'll learn." Raiji said.
"I agree." Ryuenjin said, "They were becoming too predictable."
"How can he revert?" Ujanmunt said, trying to get a grip. He was really annoyed that people kept interfering with his tournament. "He's just gonna keep dying slowly?
"Just add water." Raiji said, trying to answer one question at a time. "He'll go back to his regular form, but Rojo will still be there, waiting to go again." Raiji said. "What happens when you add water to sand?"
"Turns to mud." Ryuenjin said, finally understanding. "Is that really it? Isn't his power like... water-based?"
Nesster chuckled again, "Once again, Ironic."
"What exactly is so ironic, since you feel the need to say it so many times." Ujanmunt said, turning back to the battles in progress.
"Well, the first thing is..." Raiji answered, "No point in hiding it Nesster... The Dagger is extremely effective against Demons, Bugs, anything embedded with the sands, and Birds. And also, if the enemy can catch on, it'll only take one slash with Red's own sword to revert him back. Of course, only Raul knows of this. This could also be used as a cheap method to heal Red."
"How does Red transform anyway? If he can summon it at the right time, then it can be an advantage after all." Galhurst asked.
"Thats also another point." Nesster stated. "As we just saw, Red has little to no control over when he transforms. Its all based on when and where Rojo wants to transform. When Red's guard is down, he can change in a heart beat."
"Nesster, can you answer something for me?" Raiji asked. He made his way back to his seat, seeing how there was really not much else to explain.
"Whats his intention?"
"He won't tell me." Nesster's statement shocked everybody in the room.
Ryuenjin's eye dashed at Nesster. "What the the the the the does that mean?"
"I told you, all it truly is is just a mere second being in Red. He can sense when I intrude. I could easily break through it, but that would serve as more of a con than anything else."
Ujanmunt stared at Nesster. "Final question, and possibly the most interesting..."
"Oh?" Nesster said, returning Ujanmunt's stare with one of his own.
"What will be of Red?"
Nesster start to chuckle. "You'll see soon enough."
Rojo Oscura (Except for the daggertail chain. Red's arm just glows for now, but it does do something >:3)
Raul's opponent (small scale) (but imagine it at like 6 stories high and hairy)
Red's opponent (except imagine it with more robotic parts and about 2 stories big)
Closest images I could find