[RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Closed)

Furanda - A small town located west of Vidna.
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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by deadly virus » Tue May 09, 2017 2:38 pm


Just noticed this was unlocked.. anyone interested in starting this back up?
Virus DeLarge: member of the Deuce Pine Moose gang
"DV's mind is as corrupt as his liver. It's tainted with alcohol and death.
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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by IronJustice » Tue May 09, 2017 10:31 pm


And then Songi placed a bet...
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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by K73SK » Thu May 11, 2017 5:43 pm

Anyone got a quick summary of where we left off? Glad I left a list of characters on the first post so we know who's around and who's dead. Adnaruf had the map we could follow (until I stopped updating it, at least).

Also this might be better in a separate thread for us to discuss this chapter 2 instead of posting in here :D
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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by deadly virus » Sat May 13, 2017 3:31 pm

I'd love to get this back up again. not all that long ago I showed lone what our final battle would look like since I figured this was done.
Virus DeLarge: member of the Deuce Pine Moose gang
"DV's mind is as corrupt as his liver. It's tainted with alcohol and death.
He comes from behind and kills you with his shovel. And eats your corpse, because he's DV" - redhollowlives999

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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by K73SK » Sun May 14, 2017 6:46 pm

My Last Message:
K73SK wrote:*K7 had felt as if he slept for days, but suddenly opened his eyes to some land. He felt blinded by the sun as he awoke, and sat up to look at his surroundings. There were mountains all around, and then he saw the hole to his lab. K7 then began to think that he been dreaming of the whole thing, until he noticed he was still holding the egg. So K7 took no wait and ran for the hole to his lab.*

*As K7 got deeper, he kept hearing a familiar roaring sound... and reflections of colors. Going around the corner, K7 saw a hole like the one from the Seru-Kai. It was right in the middle of his lab. This was the most interesting thing, and best opportunity, that K7 had ever seen.*

At least DV didn't jump into the hole with me, as that could have been quite an issue if he found my lab.

*K7 shut the hole to the lab with the rock to camouflage it with the environment, and then went into the lab to figure out how to shut the hole to the Seru-Kai. At the same time, he placed the egg he had in a container for later studying.*
*K7 Finishes spending years, finalizing his findings. He's not sure what's going on in the outside world, since ever he had locked himself in his lab so long ago. He doesn't even recall the outside world, or what's going on anymore. All he knows are his studies, and what he's created. No doubt, this will make him the most powerful man to have ever walked Sebucus Islands, if not the entire world. Feeling ready to take on the world, K7 latches his new finding to his arm and feels the binding of what feels like another life, absorbing into his skin."
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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by Redhollowlives999 » Wed May 17, 2017 6:31 pm

Can I just pretend the rest of that never happened and I skipped ahead to some random future? I really don't feel like catching up and waiting for Ram ta log in.
it really do be like that tho

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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by K73SK » Wed May 17, 2017 7:05 pm

Yes. Just act like Ram died. lol. If by chance he comes back to us, we'll do something about it. At this time, I think it's safe to play that just a few of us are actually alive... Not to say we killed everyone off. But if we heavily interacted with them, then just assume that - or that they took a trip away from us. Whatever works.
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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by Redhollowlives999 » Thu May 18, 2017 1:00 pm

I legitimately cannot remember the context or premise of this story, but I'm just gonna write until someone scolds me.
Red snoozed soundly as the rain drizzled from outside his cave. The fire crackled not too far from him, slowly dying, but with still enough light to illuminate his face. A bright flash and a loud crackle from the sky woke him up in a groan.

He sat up against the cave wall. "Ugh, can't a guy get some sleep around here."

He winced and groaned once more. His arm was hurting again. He removed his thick cloak which had helped keep him warm and inspected his arm. His left arm had a very noticeable scar wrapped around his bicep--as if his arm had been grafted back on. It only hurt him when it rained hard outside, but other than that, it was basically functional. Ram kept his promise, his arm had been sliced off. However, Horn was swift to reattach before it spelled the doom of them both.

"Horn, buddy?" He whispered.

No response.

Horn had fallen silent since then. The fight between him and Ram a few years ago had left Horn completely drained, however, Amzo said Horn had used most (if not all) of its life energy to reattach the arm and save both their lives; the whole ordeal was a blur to Red since he passed out awhile after. Amzo keeps reassuring Red that Horn is alive, just in deep sleep, although Red can never help but assume the worst.

Their only hope now was to find a dormant Genesis Tree, and to use its power in a defibrillating manner to awaken Horn. Not an easy task, as many of the trees Red had found haven't been of much help; all were in full bloom.

That was one of the two reasons why Red found himself in that cave up in the mountains. The other was simply to escape Ram, whom to be honest, Red wasn't sure if he was alive or not--and that was the concerning part. All he remembered was the thought "he's beyond saving" and him asking himself while fighting "is he even worth saving at all?"

The thought of all this tormented Red as he squatted down and kindled the fire. "Another day of rain." He yawned. "Getting tired of this cave life."

It's the evening. Amzo sighed.

"Do you sense anything?" Red asked his companion Ra-Seru?

Nothing. Amzo replied emptily.

"This blows." Red said, kicking a large rock towards the cave wall. "Can't even remember where we are anymore. Somewhere in Draken, right? It's been raining for two days straight. Knights said there was a tree in this mountain somewhere....."


"Right, right." Red yawned again and scratched his scruffy chin, the years have not been too great to him. It had only been a handful, and yet his face appeared to have aged nearly a decade. He theorized that having two Ra-Seru was affecting his life force, and Horn's condition is forcing it to cling and absorb Red's life to maintain its own. He needed more research to conclude anything, however. "I miss my lab." He said, sitting back down while looking to the roof of the cave.

The cave by Rim Elm had all his favorite trinkets, and he was free to do his childish experimentation there. However, a single glance at his grafted arm and he knew he couldn't return. Not now, anyways. He couldn't risk running into anyone he knew--he was in no condition to fight right now. Ram would probably destroy him given the chance, and he also had no clue about the whereabouts of Lone or DV (and quite frankly he didn't care as neither were ever "his friends" to begin with). He also wanted to avoid any conflict with the two of them, as his mission was more important.

Simple sword fighting (which he was barely decent at, to begin with) is still fine so long as he used his opposite arm, however, all the experimentation on his body made the usage of magic dangerous and unstable outside of Azmo's elemental assistance. Red had no problem fighting off monsters, however, the more skilled analytical fighters usually caught wind of his weak side and abused of his weakness. Red avoided most fights with people through thinking and traps, so luckily, he's made it as far as he did.

Red had spent most of the years simply contemplating and watching over the changes happening within himself; physically as much as mentally. His body was definitely not happy with how life has been--eating whatever he came across, Horn leeching off him, all his experimentation also finally destabilizing--things felt like they were gradually worsening. If this keeps up, he knew he'd probably die.

He began to chuckle to himself. "Heh...."

Are you going to do that weird thing again where you pretend you're not crying by laughing abruptly?

"Shut it, you."
it really do be like that tho

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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by deadly virus » Thu May 18, 2017 2:06 pm

In a cave just north of the Novara Ravine

Oh how the mighty have fallen. At one time he practically ran the Sol tower. At one point he enslaved an ancient power to fuel his own desires. Now.. now that was all gone. In his absences, Sol slowly returned back to this normal state. His fortunes were gone.. given to charity along with the funds from his night club that got auctioned off. During his raid at Conkram, his necklace broke, releasing all the power he stolen from the woman of the statue. He still had a small portion of the power imbued into his weapon, but it was only a fraction of what it once was. No doubt she would be quite pissed and send a new champion after him.The once mighty predator became the prey. Surrounded in a world with people who wanted him dead, DV did what he did best.. press on.

He still had his old mask from his DJ days. He modified it slightly so no one would recognize him. His face still retained the sores of the older days, though this changed depending on his mood. He set in front of a fire, leaning back against a rock and he wondered what his purpose was now. He killed the scientist who created him so nothing like him would ever be created again. His train of thought was interrupted by two men who walked up and kicked dirt into his fire.

"Hey piss face! This hear is out camp sight!" One of the men yelled. Both men were poorly equipped and looked like they hadn't bathed in weeks.

"You deaf or just stupid?" The man continued to mock. "Look.. he's got a shovel. You gonna do some gardening for us?"

DV said nothing, gripped his shovel, and stood up. He stared a hole though the man who was speaking to him. One of the men who was armed with a simple sword said something unintelligible and tried to swing at DV. Casually holding up his shovel, the man's flimsy sword shattered on impact upon making contact with DV's weapon. Once disarmed, the man stood stupefied, as DV grabbed him by the neck and slowly crushed his throat.

After tossing the lifeless body aside he looked to the other man who fell on his back after witnessing what just happened.

"If I ever see you again, you you tell anyone about me, I'll find you and kill your whole family". DV's voice was brutal and monotone. The man ran off terrified after nodding his head. DV grabbed his things and kicked out the fire. He didn't want anyone else finding out his hiding spot. Once he collected everything he rested his shovel on his shoulders and began to head south
Virus DeLarge: member of the Deuce Pine Moose gang
"DV's mind is as corrupt as his liver. It's tainted with alcohol and death.
He comes from behind and kills you with his shovel. And eats your corpse, because he's DV" - redhollowlives999

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Re: [RPG] Sebucus Islands - Furanda (Chapter 2 - Open)

Post by K73SK » Thu May 18, 2017 6:18 pm

*K7 exits the cave, feeling slightly blinded by all the sunlight. He scratches at his arm as the organism he attached to it starts to pierce itself into the skin. There isn't any pain, it just itches. Every now and then, K7 sees some blood and bruising, but it quickly heals itself.*

Ridiculous how this thing needs a Genesis Tree to grow. Glad it only needs one. We're not far from Mt. Letona, so this should be easy. Once I have that... There won't be any stopping me.

*K7 Leaves his cave and heads West, expecting to arrive at the summit within only a couple of days.*
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